About two years ago, I pulled a beautiful Border Collie out of the local pound before she was scheduled to be put down. She was a smart one too, she had learned how to open the kennel doors at the pound. When I put the slip leash around her neck, she was just terrified. Reluctant to get into the car, the other volunteer I was with and myself had to lift her in. We coaxed her into the shelter and put her in the kennel that was to become her home for the next two years.
Beautiful Gabrielle and I created a special bond with one another. Every time I walked in, she ran to the fence waiting for her kisses. If I was in the kennels and she wanted my attention, she would just bark and bark until she got me over to her. She was very afraid of all people, and men in particular. I would have to introduce her to someone new multiple times and they would have to spend a lot of time with Gabrielle for her to warm up to them. She and I created a game where she ran inside and so did I. Then she ran back out and so did I. Then, the last part of the game was for her to show all of her top teeth to me as a smile. Oh, how Gabrielle loved to play.
But, as much as she and I loved one another, it was still very sad that this beautiful angel was sitting in our shelter for two years with no interest. Finally, one wonderful day, a lady came in and stated that she had seen Gabrielle on our website for a couple of months now. She had been looking for a companion for a while, and just kept coming back to the picture of Gabrielle. So, the introductions started. She was very nervous at first, but her foster mommy was right by her side, so it was okay. This wonderful lady spent a lot of time letting Gabrielle warm up to her and her husband came down to meet Gabrielle as well. Though Gabrielle was apprehensive, she was alright with the husband too!!
Time for the home visit. Everything was basically alright, Gabrielle stayed fairly close to me though-comfort of mommy. Everything was well with the home visit, so I put the leash on Gabrielle and had her new mommy take her outside to walk around without me, her security blanket. Myself and the other volunteer observed them in the yard without Gabrielle knowing it. When we felt comfortable that Gabrielle would be alright until she was completely comfortable in her new home, we snuck out the front door.
Gabrielle's new mommy has since called us and told us that Gabrielle is doing great. She has taken to her new mommy very well, but is still reserved about her new daddy. But, the patient man that he is, he is fine with her reservations and knows that one day she will come around.
What a wonderful miracle for Gabrielle!