Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My love of animals

I love animals with everything I am worth. All animals are angels. They are on this planet to love unconditionally and they are always happy to see you. I think there are far too many people that do not put enough "stock" in animals. I once read a story of how a young boy, about 6 years old, had a dog that had been in his life since he was born. The dog was about 15 years old and just at the end of his life. The parents set up with the vet to come to their home to put the beloved pet to sleep. After the dog had passed, the vet and the parents are talking about death and why animals have so much shorter a life-span than humans. The young boy pipes up with "I know the answer to that question." All the adults very interested in what the boy had to say, they asked him to proceed. "Humans have to live so many years to learn how to be happy and how to love unconditionally. Animals already do that and therefore do not have to spend a life-time figuring it out. They give love and happiness from the moment they are born to the moment they die, which is possibly longer than most humans." What a divine statement from such a young child!!
I think we can all learn so much from animals. We claim to be the superior species because of all of our technology. But, think of this...All of our technology is what is destroying the very planet on which we have to survive!! The animals, in my point of view, are far more superior than humans. They do not destroy the planet they live on, they simply live off of it. They also do not rape, murder, and steal as humans do. They do battle yes, but it is the survival of the fittest and not lets kill everyone.
For those who think, which I have heard many times working in animal rescue, that "God" created animals simply as disposable items for our pleasure...think of this. If that was in fact the case, then WHY WAS NOAH SO DILIGENT TO GET TWO OF EVERY SPECIES ONTO HIS ARCH?! Because they are not disposable and are just as important as humans. They do have feelings and souls. I have looked into the eyes of countless animals and no one in the world can ever convince me otherwise.

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